Tiny origami bouquets


Each tiny bouquet is made from either three, six, nine or twelve flowers. These tiny bouquets are approximately 5” tall.

Options for tiny bouquets are:

three flowers with small vase $30

Six flowers with small vase $45

Nine flowers with small vase $60

Twelve flowers with small vase $75

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Each tiny bouquet is made from either three, six, nine or twelve flowers. These tiny bouquets are approximately 5” tall.

Options for tiny bouquets are:

three flowers with small vase $30

Six flowers with small vase $45

Nine flowers with small vase $60

Twelve flowers with small vase $75

Each tiny bouquet is made from either three, six, nine or twelve flowers. These tiny bouquets are approximately 5” tall.

Options for tiny bouquets are:

three flowers with small vase $30

Six flowers with small vase $45

Nine flowers with small vase $60

Twelve flowers with small vase $75